Ferguson’s Career Guidance Center

New York, NY
User Experience & User Interface Design

The Ferguson’s Career Guidance Center product was no longer competitive in the market. Outdated technology, including an old CMS, was not allowing content to be shared across products in the Infobase suite. The existing design was not structured to put forward content that users in the high school age range desired. Some content, such as Professions and Industries required updates.

Preview the product



Based on feedback collected from the Sales Team, users found value in the video content but noted that it is difficult to locate. Access to information on two-year, four-year and apprenticeship programs as well as financial aid options is important but not as abundant as they would like. The current Career Assessment is too long and not appealing visually. Users would also like to access content on timely topics easily.


Using the design system developed for other products in the Infobase suite, redesign Ferguson’s to place at the forefront proprietary content which will make the product competitive in the marketplace once again.



Jen Chung
Female, 17 years old, High School student

Jen has no idea what she wants to be when she grows up. She knows she’ll be attending a four year college post graduation, but is unsure of what Major to chose.   

Direct Jen to the Career Assessment as a starting point, then guide her through materials about various professions based on her results.  



Iterations of homepage design


Measures of Success

  • Subscription renewals maintained.

  • Gained back some users who had previously cancelled subscription.

  • Increased traffic to Career Assessment and video content.
