Little Rae’s Bakery

Seattle, WA
User Experience & User Interface Design

Little Rae's Bakery is a nut-free bakery, famous for their shortbread cookies, based in Seattle, WA. They are a wholesale bakery without a storefront who sell to large and small grocery retailers and local coffee shops alike. I worked with the Art Director on the User Experience and User Interface Design for this project, while assuring all design was ADA compliant.

Visit the new website

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Little Rae's customers love their products and are always eager to locate them at their nearest grocery store or coffee shop. The problem with the existing site was that this information was nowhere to be found. Little Rae's was also interested in growing their wholesale business, but were not displaying all of their available product in a user friendly format.


A section of the website was dedicated to listing the locations products can be purchased. Because Little Rae's can not be 100% sure of the sale locations based on distribution practices, a map with locations was not used to avoid providing customers with false information. To better display all of their wholesale product offerings I incorporated a plugin that creates an interactive experience with the product photography and specifications.