Niagara Falls Underground
Railroad Heritage Center

Niagara Falls, NY
User Interface Design

The Niagara Falls Underground Railroad Heritage Center is a museum located in Niagara Falls, NY dedicated to revealing authentic stories of the Underground Railroad while encouraging visitors to take action for civil and human rights. The organization requested that the new website meet ADA compliance qualifications. I was the sole User Interface Designer on this project.

Visit the new website



The Heritage Center felt that their existing website did not spark excitement for potential visitors. Current exhibitions were not given prominence on the page, and visitor information was difficult to locate.


Using imagery from past and present exhibitions as large focal points throughout the site, I created a sense of excitement and community for the center. Images of visitors of all ages interacting with the exhibitions allows the user to visualize themselves in the space. To make visitor information easier to locate, this was added to the homepage as well as hold it's own position in the main navigate.